TEMPLATE – Inclusive by Design: Engaging All Older Adult Learners

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Welcome! We are thrilled to have this opportunity to work with you as part of  the [HOST ORG] creative aging initiative made possible through [FUNDER or INITIATIVE]

We are looking forward to meeting you. We have a lot to cover over the three sessions, so please plan to join each day on time and take notes.

What you need to know:

  • Please use the Zoom link below to join all three days of training
  • We have specified some light, yet key pre-work for each session
  • All presentation decks will be made available for your convenience

join via zoom

Use the DAY 1, 2, 3 buttons below to navigate to each day’s session materials:
Training Description | Trainer Bios
Post-training Resources 

Day 1

Ageism, Ableism, and Naturally Occurring Aging Processes

DATE, 10am-12pm EST:
Please review the following resources prior to Day 1:

Day 2

Universal Design Principles and Adaptive Processes and Tools

DATE, 10am-12pm EST:
Please review the following resources prior to Day 2:

Day 3

Assessment, Social Engagement, and Curriculum Development

DATE, 10am-12pm EST:
Please review the following prior to Day 3:

Post-training Resources

Training Description:

In creative aging arts education programs, older adult students come with diverse learning styles as well as different physical and cognitive abilities. 

A follow-up to Creative Aging Foundations for Teaching Artists, this training will look at methods teaching artists need to use to serve all learners in their community-based creative aging classrooms, and provide practical tools and strategies that they can begin to implement – both in their teaching and collaborations with community partners. 

Participants will: 

  • Examine the intersections between ageism and ableism, and how both might affect program design and delivery
  • Learn about typical challenges that face older adults – including both visible and invisible disabilities
  • Learn about models of arts learning and engagement that are designed for specific communities’ needs
  • Investigate how to build student assessment practices into their programs
  • Learn the basic of Universal Design principles and look at how they can be used to minimize barriers to learning in physical spaces, curriculum, materials, and teaching delivery
  • Learn about art form-specific adaptive tools and activities
  • Understand accessibility best practices
  • Learn how to apply accessibility best practices to their own creative aging curriculum, ensuring their program design is fully inclusive

This training includes curriculum review and LIVE feedback from Lifetime Arts trainers & staff

Lead Trainers:
Sarah Jacobus, Lifetime Arts Trainer
This is a headshot of Julie Kline, Lifetime Arts' Director of Education & Training.
Julie Kline, Director of Education and Training

Trainer Facilitators:
Staff Facilitators:
Gahlia Eden, Education Producer
Nathan Majoros, Director of Programs

Read staff & trainer bios